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As executor of my parents' wills (living and dead) and soon-to-be estate, I have just been granted permission to declare them incompetent when the time comes. What a weird feeling. Granted. I'm ecstatic that they are taking these measures to make our lives easier down the road (assuming I don't beat them to the punch...), and Mom, Dad and I talk about this stuff regularly, but incompetence is a new subject. Well, relatively new. I assume this usurps Mom's request that I take her to the woods up north somewhere, drop her off and leave if she develops Alzheimer's to the point where she's completely out of it. I love my family.
Beautiful San Francisco is just over an hour ride from the Sac, and we took the opportunity to take a day and do a little adventuring in San Fran. One of D's goal was to ensure we took a boat ride around the Bay. We bought tickets for one of the smaller boats (you know - the kind that lets you carry beer on board and whose captain doesn't mind if you perch on the not-quite-a-seat part in the front of the boat for an unobstructed view of everything), grabbed a few beers at the nearest restaurant, and settled in for a chilly but fun ride. The boat tour was around an hour, and the hour was fun and relaxing. We had an amazingly clear day - the clearest D has seen in her many visits to city, most all of which include this very boat ride (according to D, it's the best $15 you can spend in San Francisco - I tend to agree). We were able to easily see the Golden Gate Bridge from shore, which is apparently a rarity.
Me and Kirk with the bridge just behind us, and D and Frank shivering just a little - I think their blood thinned noticeably since they moved away from the Michigan tundra!
A copy of this picture will soon be hanging on my living room wall, along with a few others. It's about time to update the wall hangings, and there will be a little Ode to Cali soon. It really was breathtaking and refreshing.
I had to get a picture of this sail boat. First of all, the view of the city is interesting to me - it's very hilly and very congested (not a good place for claustrophobes!). But the boat really caught my eye with the Canadian flag on the sail - who knew Canada would be attacking San Francisco?!?
D and Frank moved to Sacramento (The Sac) back in October, and while I was fortunate to see at least one of them each month through January, the time to plan a trip out to visit rapidly approached. We finally settled on April, and Kirk and I booked our flights. Thinking back, they are some of my best friends of nearly fifteen years. That's fifteen years of memories, stories, adventures, and support for which I am eternally grateful and I was crazy excited to get to spend nearly a week with all of them.If nothing else, D and I have kitsch in common. The stranger and more odd something is, the more drawn we tend to be to it if just for the comedic value. I still cherish the rainbow inner tube we bought together in South Beach years ago and take it on every camping trip. I still dig around for pictures of the bobblehead we took to Vegas - we photographed that thing everywhere we went (with slot machines, under the beer tap at the Bellagio, on stage at Second City, with a really bad showgirl at the Stratosphere...). D received Sexy Pig in a family White Elephant gift exchange, and while I'm sure everyone else thought it was the worst and most obnoxious gift ever, D fell in love. And when D, Frank and I landed in the Sac and piled into the car and I found Sexy Pig, I knew she'd make it into a few pictures. So, without further ado, here are The Adventures of Sexy Pig!
Sexy Pig made a little trip down to San Francisco. On the way to the Palace of Fine Arts, we missed a turn and ended up on the road to the Golden Gate Bridge inadvertently. Sexy Pig shared the adventure of crossing the bridge twice - the first picture is of the bridge crossing. Kirk was excited to see the Rainbow Tunnel at the end of the bridge, so we were sure to snap a picture of Sexy Pig approaching the tunnel of gay love.
The impetus behind traveling during the weekend we selected was that D and Frank, through no fault of their own, ended up with two extra tickets for a winery tour. Frank was gracious enough to rent a Navigator and a driver, and we proceeded to enjoy the day sipping wine. The first picture is of a scenic view at one of the wineries - there is a barely visible a snow-capped mountain in the background between Sexy Pig's head and the tree. The next picture is of D given a little love to Sexy Pig.
Not only did we enjoy having Sexy Pig around, but she became a bit of a celebrity as we toured the wineries. Ms. New York and Ms. Michigan were rather excited to greet Sexy Pig and were more excited to have their picture taken with her.I don't know much, but I do know our trip wouldn't have been the same without D's beloved Sexy Pig.
Can a leopard change its spots? I'm beginning to thing maybe not so much.
Toronto Trip Part Four...or five...I'm so losing count already. I headed to Toronto with Runs With Spatula and Sheryl to meet up with Tia. It's been a while since we've seen Tia, and while it's only for a short visit, it's long overdue to get together and catch up. Unfortunately, Dianne couldn't join us. We did manage to purchase a chocolate penis and Dutch double-salted black licorice (aka poison, asscandy, pure evil...the list of monikers goes on...) for her. In her honor, I finally tried to eat a piece of licorice. I hate black licorice to start with, but then take black licorice and salt it to the point where you can barely taste the licorice part, and then make it so hard as to not be masticable, and you have something that's virtually impossible to consume. But, I gave it a whirl, which is surprising since the last time I had seen people try to eat this delicacy, I witnessed Tia and Spatula - two people with the most robust constitutions ever - both violently eject said candy from their mouths before it barely had rested on their tongues more than a second. So, I popped one in my mouth with little fanfare, and attempted to eat it. I worked on it for at least two minutes before I spit it out - quite a feat, I believe - which wasn't until I felt my stomach muscles starting to spasm in an all-to-familiar way.But, I digress. Before we even left Michigan, and while we were passing through St. Claire County, I had the misfortune to be clocked at 83 in a 70. Granted, at the time, Sheryl was reading an article to me from US Weekly (another nod to Dianne) about Britney Spears, which included in the headline "Unstable Britney..." So, I dutifully pulled to the side of the road and began speaking with Officer Friendly:
OF: So, 83 miles per hour?Me: I know - but my friend was reading this article about Unstable Britney.OF: I'm surprised you weren't going 90.Me: No kidding!OF: You must be pretty popular on the drag race circuit.Me: Right?**insert more idle chit-chat about where we were headed, why we were going there, and how much sealed alcohol we were taking with us**OF: Do you have your license, registration and proof of insurance?Me: Of course (pulled license from purse and insurance and registration from glove box, secretly thankful that I always get rid of old copies so as to not have to fumble looking at expiration dates...).OF: Is there anything I should know before I run your license? Any outstanding warrants?Me: Good god, I hope not!OF: How's your driving record?Me: Pretty good - no points, only a few 5-over tickets.OF: Okay. (returns to vehicle to do whatever it is that cops do when they have your shit)OF: Okay, before I let you go, I have a bit of trivia for you. Do you know what the left lane is for?Me: Passing only? Unlike what I was doing?OF: Exactly. You're free to go - have a safe trip.So, an officer with a sense of humor who didn't give me a ticket. I have a new-found respect for St. Claire County thanks to Officer Friendly.The trip was great as usual - Bubba Kegs full of Lambrusco, discovered the wonders of Toronto's mass transit system, and had a blast with my friends. Wish every day could be like that...