Yes, it happened again this year: I had a birthday. December 12, in fact. The year was 1974, the year of a huge snowstorm in Michigan just before I was born. If I remember some of the stories correctly, my dad was sick of lacing up my mom's boots, mom's blood pressure was a little out of whack, and the doctor was going to induce at some point (I like to think on Friday the 13th, but am not sure how accurate that is...). But, Thursday the 12th it was to be. It's hard to believe 34 years have flown by - so many experiences, so much learning, so much kitsch!
I've always been a fan of tacky. Not trashy tacky, but fun tacky. A case in point would be my adorable dog. I used to feel so sorry for people on Wheel of Fortune who had to choose their prizes from the showcase. It seemed they always got stuck with a five-piece dinette set (often of the wicker variety), and with only $100 left, they would be forced to purchase the poor ceramic dog, usually with a price point of $75. I thought it unfair they couldn't keep the money. Nobody seemed happy to "win" a ceramic dog. And it was exactly this diatribe that led Sara to give me a ceramic dog for my birthday (or was it Christmas? that's the problem with a December birthday...) several years ago. I finally named her Lucy May Haas (another long story with an anticlimactic ending) after having her for several years, and proceed to dress her up for the seasons. But I digress...This year was no different from birthdays past. My friends did not fail me, and while I feel I'm almost a little too old to get birthday presents, I appreciate the thought that went into each of these in particular.
The first received was the Pi Plate. Nope, no misspelling there! It's a "Pi" pie plate! How exciting! Yes, I love the number pi. There's something oddly fascinating about a constant with infinite definition (or lack thereof??) - it just rocks my world. And the pi plate shall never be harmed by actually baking in it - it will remain proudly displayed.Last year, Melissa bought me a Hillary Clinton nutcracker. We had a lot of fun with that at the holidays, especially my nephew. The nutcracker portion of course was between Hillary's thighs. So, this year, in the grand tradition, Melissa bought me the accompanying Bill Clinton corkscrew. And where else would the screw appear but from between his legs. Needless to say, we've also had a fine time with Bill (as many others have as well).

I don't know if I've posted much about my love of bacon (or really, almost any pork product...and pork wrapped in pork is a masterpiece all its own), but it's a frequent topic of conversation among my foodie friends. Somewhere, and I'm not sure where, one of my friends found Spam made with bacon. Who would've thought they would class Spam up that much?? I don't know that I've ever actually eaten Spam. I do remember in 12th grade AP Physics when some of my fellow students wrote an ode to Spam and brought the poem in along with a can, which was promptly displayed in Mr. Armstrong's weird food area (we got extra credit points for bringing in the weird food of the week - something Sara and I sorely needed! I particularly remember wandering the Meijer produce department and buying persimmons and star fruit).
And finally are the nuns. These will also fall into the category of
religious paraphernalia, which in volume, seems to be in contention with the Elvis stuff I've received over the years. They are not just nuns - they are racing nuns! I'm sure the waitress at Chammps, where I went for my birthday dinner with the folks, was entertained by us racing the nuns across the table. I really had to take them for my mom to see, since she went to parochial schools growing up (including Mt. Mary Immaculate Academy in Ancaster, Ontario for a year - she couldn't take much more than that!). The nuns have been a fun addition to the collection.So, another year has passed. I've been surrounded by good friends and good family. I somehow still have a job (not a pot shot at my work ethic so much as the current economic crisis...I think W. finally called it a recession? Who knew?). I really can't complain.
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