What made the trip really special was that it happened to fall during Toronto's Gay Pride Week. We had no idea when we booked the trip, and were amused at the prospect of the sights and sounds of Pride. Note to self: going to Toronto during Pride with one of your girls automatically means you must be a lesbian, especially if you prefer comfortable shoes like I do (I'd rather have my feet look cute out of my shoes than me feet look cute in my shoes, if you know what I mean - no hammer toes for this girl!) or have a spikey bob like Spatula (even though to me it's not the least bit lesbiany). After a gentleman from Indianapolis tried for what seemed like a half hour to get us to admit that we batted for the other team while at a pizza joint at one in the morning since the crepe place was closed, I finally told him I like dick just as much as he did. He seemed to have a new-found respect for us after that! We did stick around to witness some of the parade on Sunday, and I thought it was much tamer than I anticipated. It was interesting to see all of the crazy niches (Ugandans seeking equal rights for queers, as the sign read... and the transgendered Asian women were favorites). Strange I've been to more Pride festivals than my gay best friend...
There's Pride - painted bikini to match the hair! And kids at the parade - they were fun to watch!
Ugandans - Global Human Rights for Queers! And the Black Pride float!
Tia met up with us Friday night after her drive in from New York. It's always great to see her and talk to her because it always feels like no time has passed at all. Those are some of the best friendships to have. We also met up with Sally and Kandi, who weren't quite as into the Pride festivities as we were, but were more than willing to explore the city with us. Tia, Spatula and I spent quite a bit of time at the St. Lawrence Market, where we overdosed on fried calamari (and presumably the liter of Lambrusco we split in our Bubba Kegs on the way to the market at 1 in the afternoon...), and where I had a flashback of my childhood as I stopped at the Ukrainian eatery and market and was harassed by the short Ukrainian woman, who reminded me entirely too much of my family, into buying more than I intended simply because she kept telling me what a deal she was giving me. Ukrainian women are pushy (have you met me??), and I felt like I would offend her if I said no, but I finally did. The food was all kinds of fantastic (eclairs with god knows how much shortening and fantastic apple strudel-like pastries), though, and a welcome treat after a long night of a whole lot of Carling.
Spatula with her Bubba Keg... Tia - ready for adventure... Me with Bubba Keg at the Hutch angle
Highlights of the weekend? One of my favorites was Spatula being given jewelry that looked like it fell off a truck headed to Claire's by a homeless man while standing in the open-air part of the bar, glimpsing raccoons running up a flight of stairs in downtown Toronto while at the same bar, Tia and Spatula violently ejecting a piece of salty Dutch licorice purchased for D from their mouths (I've never seen them spit food out ever!), and a hysterical cab ride back to the "gayborhood" as our hotel was called, which we shared with a guy we met at the bar who had us laughing to the point of tears running down our faces. I can't wait until the next adventure!
I love my jewels from the homeless man! It was a great weekend...with good beer...good friends...and lots of stories to tell!
The "Hutch angle..." I like it...
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