Tis the season for lightning bugs to mate! I drove to
Novi Wednesday night, and the vast expanse between
Okemos and Brighton was filled with little greenish-yellow flashes of lightning bugs trying to get their groove on. Apparently, the male lightning bug's abdomen or posterior flashes when he's looking for a mate. And the female responds with a little twinkle of her own. They flash back and forth, and if both consent, it's a done deal So, this made me think: Wouldn't it be great if this worked the same way with humans? How fantastic would it be to see a man's abdomen or posterior emit a phosphorescent-like glow when looking for a woman, and a woman responding in kind with a little flash of her own? It might take too much of the guess-work out of the mating ritual, but the laser-light show would be spectacular!
Currently listening to Sugar's "If I Can't Change Your Mind"
"Love for sale....appetizing, yummy love for sale....."
Apparently "twitterpation" is in the air for both human and lightning bug kind!
I received an email from a dear old friend today. (Cfreaky think of your old NHS Euchere partner.) He wrote to inform me that he is a Smitten Kitten for the second time. And he wanted to share this with me as last time I could see it all over his face. For him, the last time was nearly a decade ago!
And he isn't the only one! I am adding to my list of the love bitten as I write. I am hesitant to admit for most of them it's been a long time coming. So, if you're reading this and its been awhile since you've felt butterflies take flight in your belly, Rejoice! Your time is now!
Grippare l'amore!
And share! I like to hear these things mind you! I'm matronly now...and such stories from you fresh faced upstarts bring back my own memories of being blush-faced and feverish from just the thought of my partner. Love is grand! And getting there is 1/2 the fun!
Then we'd be like Sims ... or Teletubbies. And I imagine that such an innovation might lead to the spontaneous combustion of many bars, strip clubs and other nightspots, as well as some awkward moments during church. But in the end, we just might come to accept that humans are subject to all the same impulses as other animals, and maybe by appreciating our animal heritage better, we could lead more open and happier lives. In the meantime, there are always mood rings ...
I was raised Catholic. My first thought when I read "during church" was of glowing vestments. I know, shame on me...
Can you imagine being in an HMCS meeting and a pretty thing walks past the conference room and all the guys starting lighting up like fireflies?! What a show! So much for the uncomfortable high school putting-the-bookbag-over-your-crotch moments!
~Your Employee
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