From zobmondo.com... Would you rather have to kill Winnie the Pooh or Bambi? At first, it seemed clear. Winnie the Pooh, of course. He's bound to die of botulism from all the honey, so why not put him out of his misery sooner? Then I thought about Bambi. Deer are hunted either inadvertently by cars or purposely by intoxicated hunters. Given Bambi's odds, this would also be a mercy killing, right? But I think I'll stick with Winnie the Pooh, as death by botulism seems much worse for an animated creature than being killed by a hunter.
And on to Laundry: The Mystery. I know that in life there are few tasks that are every considered complete. Most are ongoing simply because of their nature. Grocery shopping falls into this category - you either eat the food or let it spoil, but either way, you need to replenish your supply. With laundry, unless you're willing to streak around naked (which I did once for a few hours to prove to myself that all of my washable items could simultaneously be clean), it's never done. It's an endless cycle, unless you're a naturalist all the time. But even so, I don't think naturalists drip-dry after a shower, and I'm guessing they have sheets and blankets on their beds like most other people.
I know I promised all of my posts would be connected. The only connection between these two is that they happened to be rattling around my head at the same time tonight. So I thought I would share.
That was an odd way to start my Monday morning...now I am going to be having visions of killing bambi and winnie the pooh on my way to work. :)
Just remember, you only have to kill one of them!
I just have to say, Carrie you have it wrong this time. Many times I choose to agree to disagree. Oprah. Need I say more? This time however, I just can't get behind your choice. Pooh had Christopher Robin. Do you think that young gay boy was ready to deal with coming out of the closet and the loss of Pooh? Sure, Kanga has Roo, but don't forget Eeyor. Eeyor was one step from taking that bow off his tail and strangling himself with it, now you go and off Pooh. He's too depressed. He couldn't handle it. Bambi on the other hand? Bambi's mother will have company in "forest-heaven." Togetherness, that is a theme I can get behind. Oh, and that skunk already loves flowers, now bambi can push up some daisey's for shunkers there to sniff. Geez.
I maintain that there's enough dead deer. We see them all too often. Why add another to the carnage and in cartoon form? However, Shrinkage has a valid argument.
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