Runs With Spatula proposed an all-day Dexter Season 2 marathon. I had an extra day off to burn due to returning early from camping in order to head to England, so I scheduled that day off for today. Given my recent car troubles, and being stranded, Runs With Spatula picked me up this morning, and whisked me off to her and Corky's apartment for the Dexter-thon. Sheryl arrived, the DVD was loaded, and the adventure began.
The day was filled with interruptions - a myriad of calls from work, several calls from the dealership regarding my poor Blazer, and a lunch break involving takeout of the House Special Vermicelli from a local Vietnamese restaurant. I finally got a diagnosis on the Blazer. Apparently, when there is a hole in one's exhaust system near the engine compartment, the leaking exhaust can melt wires in the wire harness. I was given the option - replace the wire harness for an ungodly amount of money or have the wires spliced for about a third of that ungodly amount. I opted for the splice, with the intention of searching for a new vehicle in a few months. I'll be stranded for a few more days - the Blazer should be road-ready on Thursday afternoon, hopefully in time for me to make it up to Sleeper State Park before dark for the last tent-camping trip of the summer. I've set my tent up enough this summer to be able to do so after dark, but would really prefer not to have to do that.
But, back to Dexter. We made it through the first five episodes before Runs With Spatula, Sheryl and I had to take a break for a board meeting, followed by dinner. Runs With Spatula whisked me back to her apartment, where Corky was patiently awaiting our return to resume the viewing. We originally planned on two more episodes, but worked in five more instead. I have two left, and despite being exhausted, the ride home amped me up a bit. Watching the last two episodes tomorrow will either require me to eat Ethiopian food with Runs With Spatula in order to snag the DVDs from her (and the pictures of the food on the restaurant's website looked gloppy - a major turnoff to me), or I'll have to walk my happy self to a near-by store to purchase the DVDs. I guess it will depend on how tomorrow goes!
I have been thoroughly enjoying Season 2. I don't know if I can compare it to Season 1 - it has a very different feel. There have been some interesting twists and subplots, some of which seemed obvious, and others that were a little obvious, though I didn't necessarily want them to happen. I'll reserve my final judgment until I see the last two episodes. But Mom, if you're reading this (and I'm sure you are!), make a quick trip to Target tomorrow to pick this up - it's worth it! I know it'll drive Dad nuts to watch this all in one day, but he'll get over it :)
Dexter is next on my list, I swear!
But, you should come eat gloppy food with us! Nothing like trying something new!
After dropping you off...and drinking a quick diet pepsi, we watched the last two episodes! YOU HAVE TO WATCH THEM! Let me know if you are coming to Altu's and I will bring the DVDs...they are REALLY good!
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