The first story is not accompanied by a picture, with good reason. I seemed to find the seedy part of town with little problem, which probably doesn't surprise anyone. I was walking down the somewhat shady street (shady meaning suspect, not tree-lined), heading toward City Center, as it's called, which is the center of the city (oh, those crazy English people with their aptly-named geographical areas!). I was at the corner of the City Center, strolling along, doing some people watching. A man caught my eye, as he was sitting on the ground, almost lounging against a building at the corner of the street. I made eye contact, and smiled a bit, like I usually do, when I noticed his arm was moving. My gaze drifted down (because how could it not...), and I noticed his arm moving in a somewhat recognizable way, and before I was able to process it to look away, I saw it. Yes, "it" - the guy was masturbating while sitting on a busy corner in the City Center. Since I have no dignity, I started laughing...hard (no pun intended). I continued walking, chuckling for at least another two blocks.
A short time later, I stumbled across this bar, as I wandered down another shady street, while heading to the park. I didn't go in, as it didn't look like it was open. I'm not sure if I would've gone in had it been open, anyway. But it was pretty amusing.
It's a little strange that these observations happened during the same day, but while walking through City Center, I strolled past who was presumably a street musician. What clued me in was his guitar and case, along with a hat set out for donations. He wasn't playing music at the time, and I guess he was getting ready for a long afternoon, as I noticed he was rolling a joint. I didn't see him light it, but I'm sure it was the next logical step. A few hours later, not too far from the monkey-spanking corner, I observed a drug deal. It was interesting, as it involved four men and two wolf-hounds. And they weren't the least bit subtle. I do admit, I feel like I'm giving Chester a bad rap. I think my timing was impeccable in stumbling upon these occurrences. I can only console you by letting you know I've seen all the same things in Ann Arbor, Detroit, Chicago and LA.
1 comment:
You should have taken a few pictures...LOL. :) Only CM would appreciate the unique little (was it?) nuances of the town. :)
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