Sweet Jesus. If I can survive a "meal" at Joe's, nothing will kill me. It's all fried. Except the beer, which is lovingly served in Mason jars. Runs With Spatula arranged a trip to Joe's, the only Gizzard City in the world, located in scenic Potterville, MI. After eating there, I can see why there's not a need for a gizzard stand in every town. Certainly, you shouldn't eat there more than once a year if you're healthy. If you have a history of cardiac incidences, you shouldn't even go near Potterville, for fear of not being able to resist the pull of everything you can imagine being deep-fried.
We passed several appetizers among the six of us who seem to have a whole lot of confidence in our arteries and robust digestive tracts. I found the gizzards and Sweet Corn Nuggets to be particularly delicious and addicting. For a main course, I moved on to the small unfried section of the menu for a steak sandwich, which hit the spot. Runs With Spatula, Sheryl and I split a dessert combo. I think there were about seven different batter-fried creations, but I would've been happy with just the Nutter Butters and the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Seriously, the whole experience was disgusting...but so, so good.
And just a side note - the service was fantastic. Our waitress was very patient, helpful and accomodating. She even questioned how much we tipped her (a little over 20% on a rather large tab altogether), and was concerned that the food went to our heads, impairing our mathematical abilities. We told her it was dead on, and that we appreciated her great service.
All in all, it was a great evening - good but disgusting food, great service, and even better company! We'll see how the fried-food hangover treats me tomorrow!
Awesome. I'm jealous that I couldn't make this adventurous meal with you guys. Glad to get the play-by-play at least. Now if I could just have a deep-fried nutter butter delivered, life would be perfect :)
I'm sure Angela and Amy will provide better play-by-play since they took a lot of pictures. I'm a bit regretful, to be honest. I've always sworn by fried food as a hangover cure, but didn't realize what a hangover it can actually cause... But it was fun! I feel greasy and shiny, though.
I'm still in shock at all of the things that that place deep fries. It's just not right! Next time you plan an outing (2009?), let me know and I'll tag along with the Lipitor and Tums in my purse.
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