My friends love me
This I know
For my Jesus paraphrenalia
Tells me so!
It started with a trip to a baseball game. One of Angela's co-workers organized a beer bus to a Tigers' game. It sounded magical, so I immediately signed up. After we loaded onto the bus, Angela and Eric presented me with a beautiful gift - Jeez-Its. Yes, it's styled after a box of Cheez-Its, but it's better! It's a delightful book of inspirational sticky notes. Just in case I'm having a lapse in morals, I can whip out my Jeez-Its to help me question my decisions. One style has check boxes to help me reason through my choices, and include:Would Jesus Do It? (check one of the following)
-Maybe-Hell No
Then there is a spot to assess, Would I Do It?
-God Knows
And there is a general sticky note, with Jesus' caucasian likeness almost giving a peace sign, with a subtle WWJD? at the top.
Then, just a scant week-and-a-half later, Joel and Renee came to town from Chicago to meet up to travel to Canada. And what did Renee have in her purse for me? Lookin' Good for Jesus Virtuous Vanilla Lip Balm. It indiactes I should Get Tight With Christ and Be Worthy and Be Noticed. Plus, it's SPF 18! And the back of the package lets me know my new lip balm has the ability to Return Lips to Near Virgin Quality! Thank goodness - my lips were feeling quite heathen.
I so appreciate these treasures, and the thoughtfulness behind them! I know they will find a place of honor in my home, maybe near my Jesus Action Figure and Liberace Bobblehead. Sincere thanks to Angela, Eric, Renee and Joel!
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