From Zobmondo:
Would you rather... always lose OR never play?
Not so long ago, I would've said I would rather always win, so I would never play. What's the point of playing if you never win? Now, I would have to say I'd rather always lose. I'm not sure if the fundamental shift in thinking is just from growing up or if it's something deeper. I enjoy challenge. I enjoy mastering things, but I enjoy trying even more. Once I master something, I don't lose interest quickly - I enjoy mastering things over and over again, and trying to make things a little more difficult to stretch my head a bit. Maybe that's why I love cooking and baking so much - I take comfort in both repeatability and improvement, and I've figured out how to make food better over the years. I'm not a master chef by any stretch, but I do make the best chocolate chip cookies ever. I love Sudoku - same premise over and over, but the skill sets evolve and the problem solving becomes more interesting as the puzzles increase in difficulty. I'm okay with being frustrated at things that ultimately don't matter. There's a part of me that likes getting lost when I'm trying to get somewhere on time. I know - livin' on the edge, but sometimes the simple little things can be the most thrilling.
1 comment:
I can barely figure out how to respond to this.
"Wow!" "You sure about that?" and the like are the first few things that popped into my head upon reading. No offense intended. After all I used to watch you play Trivial Pursuit for hours, hours at a time! Also, "Awww....my little girl's all grown up."
Would really like to try this out a little more. I'm intrigued for sure.
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