Monday, July 14, 2008

Ahhh....Sweet Routine...

I just returned from a much-needed weekend away. I know - I've had several weekends away lately, and truth be told, I feel like I haven't had a weekend home here in Lansing in quite some time. But the last few weekends away seemed like more work in the realm of preparation. Camping over the 4th was a blast, but seriously, I can fill my Blazer with the seats down all on my own, which is a lot of work. This past weekend I headed up to Bill & Darla's lake house. Bill and Dar are my best friend Sara's parents, also known as my "other" parents. I've known them well over half my life at this point, and love them dearly. Sara and Jamey picked me up Friday evening, and we headed north.

So, what makes the lake house so relaxing? First and foremost, the company. Over the years, they've all become part of my family, and there is great comfort in that. Second, it's on the lake, which means playing on the boats and swimming all day (yes, I sunblocked like a demon - no sunburn to report!). There's also the hot tub. Last night, as everyone else went to bed, Jamey and I wandered out to the hot tub around 1:45 am (again, so much for resetting the sleep schedule) and stargazed for an hour. I think I counted six shooting stars. It was fantastic - quiet, beautiful, and perfect weather. And it's also a great place to go for walks. I went for a few soul-searching, mind-clearing walks this weekend, and decided I need to make it a point to do that more often. By the lake house, I can walk for an hour and not see another person or car, depending on the path I take. I often run into alot of deer, of course, though not literally. And it's so serene to just hear the crunch of my shoes on a gravel road while the wind is whipping through the trees that it sends me into a meditative state. I always hate coming home. It wasn't quite as bad this weekend, but we all are usually cranky and morose when we have to leave.

We made it back safely - Sara and Jamey dropped me off about an hour ago before continuing on to Farmington. As I watered my plants (which are still alive and thriving!), I thought about how nice it's going to be this week getting back to my normal-ish routine. I haven't been to water aerobics in a week and a half, and I'm looking forward to making it there this week. And I'm surprisingly looking forward to a five-day work week (ask me Wednesday how that's going...), because I have so much to catch up on from the holiday and short weeks lately. And assuming my master plan works, I'll be in town all weekend. Woohoo! No packing. No driving. No unpacking. Just a weekend in town. For as much as I enjoy time away, and crave and need it, time at home is important, too.


Sean said...

Man, sounds like you and Angela had awesome weekends! Mine was relaxing (lots of sleep) and fairly productive (lots of grading accomplished), but very low-key and homebound, as befitting a weekend leading into a payday :) You advise readers to wait until Wednesday to check on how your five-day work week enthusiasm is going, but knowing how these things usually go, how are you still feeling about it two hours in? Cheers!

CFreaky said...

Four hours in, and still perky! Two of my employees are on vacation this week, so I'm getting my hands dirty (literally) much more than usual, which makes the day go by quickly. I was fortunate enough to use the fire hose today, complete analytical testing for two of my water systems, and while sitting through a DIRT meeting (Defect Issue Resolution Team - GM loves acronyms!), I worked on my to-do list, which is entirely too long. I feel like a doomsayer, but I think Wednesday will hold the key. We'll see! For now, I'll enjoy my productivity, which may drop sharply when I get back from lunch :)

Wishful Ink said...

I can relate...see my post of Post Vacation Depression. :) See you at H2O.

Angela said...

Ok, so I know it's only Tuesday, but how's it going so far?

It's my first day back at work, and I have to agree with Jaimie about Post Vacation Depression!!!