Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mistaken...Yet Again....

Funny conversation after hanging out at the bowling alley:

Andy: You're a democrat, aren't you?
Me: No. I'm hippie liberal, but definitely am more libertarian.
Andy: Seriously?!
Me: Yep. I'm way socially liberal. And I'm more about people having choices.
Andy: So what do you think about the helmet law?
Me: My godfather received a kidney transplant. I have pretty strong feelings helmet and seat belt laws. I figure if you are not a minor, you should have the choice. I am all for enforcing that minors or people who cannot legally make decisions for themselves being forced to comply with helmets and seat belts. But if you're an adult and don't want to be safe, who am I to say? And if you're not smart enough to protect yourself...well, there's other people that may benefit from your decision to be unsafe.
Andy: I agree with you. The government shouldn't legislate morality.
Me: I agree. But I also think prostitution and drugs should be legalized and taxed.
Andy: I'm impressed, May.
Me: How so?
Andy: Because you're willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

I feel the need to add a little caveat. I do believe in education. Strongly. I think people should be educated so that they understand the choices they are making. But beyond providing the best information possible, there's not much to be done.

I do find it funny how it seems if you're perceived as being socially liberal, it automatically dumps you into the category of being a democrat. I've never been registered as a democrat. I've never pulled a straight ticket while voting. I had a hard time voting for Obama because I didn't think he (and his party) were right in not standing up in support of gay marriage and gay rights in general. There were other reasons, too, but that was the main one.

So, I've decided on a few other issues, too. Pleural marriage - have at it. If some man is crazy enough to want to take on many wives, feel free. I personally think it's ludicrous - why would you want to invite that chaos into your life? I don't foresee many women taking on many husbands. Plus, I'm sure that would mean a new religion would have to form first so that women had some kind of reason to believe they should need or want many husbands. I wonder how hard it would be to start this up just to see what would happen...*wicked, wicked grin*

Back to libertarianism...given that I don't belong to any particular party, this is the one that probably most fits my beliefs. I've had a couple of people argue with me about whether or not it's a conservative philosophy (smaller government, lower taxes, more freedom). But I think the overall concept is quite liberal - the idea that people can and should be responsible for themselves is certainly not conservative. I think at times it gives more credit than is due, but I'd rather run with that than try to save or protect people from themselves (generally, an impossibility - human's level of stubbornness is ridiculous - I know...I'm human).

So, those are my thoughts for today. We'll see what tomorrow brings.

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