Friday, September 5, 2008

Things I've Been Meaning to Blog About: The Sock

I had a particular conversation with Sara a few weeks ago that went a little like this:
Carrie: So what's going on?
Sara: I'm looking for the remote for the DVD player so Kim (Sara's sister-in-law, who was visiting from Minnesota) can watch a movie.

Carrie: No idea where it is?

Sara:'s probably with all of the other remotes we lose.

Carrie: Maybe the cat is revolting and took it.

Sara: I don't think so - no opposable thumbs.

Carrie: True. Maybe it's with the infamous sock that disappears somewhere between the washer and the dryer.

Sara: The mismatched sock? Yeah, we have a pile of those, too!

Carrie: Sometimes I feel like a mismatched sock.

Sara: Really?

Carrie: Yeah. Maybe not a mismatched sock, but a sock missing its mate. Maybe I got lost somewhere between the washer and dryer.

Sara: I think your sock mate will show up. What kind of sock would you be?

Carrie: Definitely not a toe sock. I hate having things between my toes. It creeps me out. And not a tube sock.

Sara: Well, you wouldn't be a slouchy sock. How about leg warmers? They're almost like socks, but not really since they don't have feet. Do you remember the crazy colors?

Carrie: And the sparkles. I don't know. I was never fond of leg warmers.

Sara: Hmmm.

Carrie: Yeah, I have no idea what kind of sock I would be. Weird.

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