Thursday, November 6, 2008

I Wonder...

...will it be 150 years before we elect a gay person as president? How can we cheer that we've "come so far" by voting for a non-white man, yet seemingly be okay with the fact that we, as a society, continue to target other groups? The country wasn't ready to acknowledge blacks... and then women... then Japanese... now it's fighting against gays. When will we realize that we're doing the same damn thing over and over and continuing to bully groups of people we perceive as different? We think we've come so far, but have we really? Shouldn't actual change be seen in the fundamental way we treat people as a general rule? If so, we haven't learned a whole lot since the Emancipation Proclamation.


Angela said...

Amen, my friend.

Wishful Ink said...

While I agree that the GLBT community in our country are embraced and then defaced nearly regularly, we can't be sure we haven't had one in the white house. Certainly we have. We just didn't know it. Of course there are elected officials who have been busted for an affair or text messages and have come out that way, so there is representation. Won't it be an amazing day when and openly gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgendered individual can run on the strenght of their character rather than what happens in their intimate and private lives? I look forward to that day. I look forward to voting and in the interim I am going to speak up and let it be known that I am an ally.

On a lighter note, Remember the days they all wore wigs...I am just saying...maybe early crossdressing? Englad for sure! :)